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Project Management in Aviation Operations_Module 6 Assignment

Project Management in Aviation Operations_Module 6 Assignment

Q 1. Discuss what needs to be done as part of closing a project. Why are these activities important?2. Discuss the internal post project evaluation process and the two types of meetings involved.3. What are some ways you can obtain feedback from a customer after a project has been completed? How would you use this information?4. Why are some projects terminated before they are completed? When would it be wise to do so?

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Making and collection of final payments, evaluation and recognition of staff, documentation of the learned lessons, conducting an evaluation post-project, and archiving and organizing documents of project are included in part of a project’s closing. These activities are vital because the satisfaction of customer is verified by them. It also helps in collecting information regarding the manner in which projects in future can be improved. Objective of closing project is also vital in determination of whether relations in future are feasible and if utilization can be done of references (Flouris & Lock, 2016).